The Q.U.A.C.K Squad Memoirs

Three homies and a rubber ducky. Pause...

What I like most about this video is that the name of the song is "All of the Lights" ...and right in the beginning of the song it warns you that u might die (have a seisure) from watching it because they crammed so many lights and flashes into the video. The thing is, Kanye West' videos are only gonna get brighter and more creative as time goes by providing that the illuminati still funds his work(Just Kidding). VEIWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.. but my question is.. how exactly is someone is supposed to use their discretion watching this video for the first time? And does this mean that if im epileptic theres no way I can be a Kanye Fan? because i know for a fact that this nigga Kanye wears glowing leather to all of his performances, and always has the movie "Tron" going on in the background as he performs. Thats pretty bright. The epileptic Kanye fan is pretty much going to strictly listen his music... until he finds a way to put lights in that too...


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